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Prometer 100   precision metering series

Prometer 100 precision metering series


Prometer 100, series of next generation energy meter designed for power transfer points requiring precise measurements and revenue transactions. Flexible and modular communications ensure integration with AMR / AMI / SCADA systems and upgrade to future sub-station automation systems. 4 quadrant energy measurement allows monitoring of generation, transmission and distribution loads.
1. 0.2S/0.5S accuracy for active and reactive measurement
2. Wide-range dual auxiliary supply with options for AC/DC and self-power (VT powered)
3. Power quality features including THD, sag, swell, voltage unbalance and interruption recording
4. Dynamic error compensation for CT/VT
5. Transformer/Line loss adjustment (Copper and Iron losses)
6. Intuitive graphical display including vector diagram, wave forms and bar chart for consumption
7. Remote configuration of communication ports
8. Simultaneous DLMS and MODBUS over Ethernet port
9. Support of meter reading / display over field replaceable battery
10. In built IEC61850 along with RS232/RS485 and Ethernet ports in a single product & capability of simultaneous
11.communication through all these ports
12. Dual loggers for energy and instantaneous parameters
13. Flexible time-of-day tariff, maximum demand support, DST (Daylight saving time) support with automatic billing dates
14. Meter cover and terminal cover open detection
15.RS232 port compatible with meter-powered modem